Trust Banking Advisory
Please be advised that the Bankers Association of the Philippines and the Philippine Stock Exchange have issued a memo dated March 17, 2020 allowing the Foreign Exchange/Fixed Income Markets and Stock Trading & Settlements to resume operations on March 18, 2020 and March 19, 2020 respectively.
In this regard, we would like to advise you that:
- Beginning March 18, 2020, RBank Trust & Investments Group will accept subscriptions and redemptions for the Money Market Fund up to trading cut-off time 11:00AM, subject to existing guidelines on settlements.
- Beginning March 19, 2020, RBank Trust & Investments Group will accept subscriptions and redemptions for the Balanced Fund and the Tax-Exempt Retirement Balanced UITF up to trading cut-off time 11:00AM, subject to existing guidelines on settlements.
- For IMA/ Trust accounts, RBAnk Trust & Investments Group will accept new placements and regular withdrawals up to trading cut-off time 11:00AM. Any unscheduled withdrawals that will require pre-termination / divestment of securities will be serviced subject to existing guidelines, prevailing market prices and applicable charges, if any.
The above advisory will remain effective until further notice.
For information and guidance of everyone.
For any queries or concerns, please email TrustGroup@robinsonsbank.com.ph.
Keep safe everyone.