Fees & Charges

A. Deposit
1. ATM Charges
a. Withdrawal of Other Bank's ATM card via Rbank ATMM
Php 11.00
b. Inquiry (Other Bank's ATM)
Php 2.00
c. Inter-Bank Fund Transfer: Other Bank's ATM, Robinsons Bank
Php 25.00
d. Over-the-counter Winthdrawals of ATM Accounts
Php 100.00
e. ATM Card Replacement
Php 150.00
f. Robinsons Wallet (Rwallet) Card Replacement - Rwallet for UNILAB
Php 100.00
g. ATM Card Replacement - Rwallet for Affiliate Companies
Php 50.00
h. Cash Card Inactivity Fee
(after 6months of inactivity)
Php 300.00
2. Return Check
a. Presenting Bank
Php 1,000.00
b. Drawee Bank
Php 1,000.00
Service Charge for every P40,000 per day
Php 200.00
Recalling of Returned Check
Php 300.00
3. Below Maintaining Balance
a. Passbook Saving Account
Php 500.00
b. ATM Savings Account
Php 500.00
c. Tykecoon Savings Account
Php 500.00
d. Checking - Individual
Php 500.00
e. Checking - Corporate
Php 500.00
f. Dollar Savings Account
$ 10.00
g. Jap Yen
¥ 1,000.00
h. Euro
€ 10.00
4. Early Closure Charge (90 Days from date opened)
a. Peso
Php 500.00
b. Dollar
c. Jap Yen
¥ 1,000.00
d. Euro
€ 10.00
5. Stop Payment Order Php 500.00
6. Passbook Replacement Php 200.00
7. Inter-branch Withdrawal/Deposit

(Applicable only for inter0regional transactions. The fee may
be waived if the client's ADB is at least PHP 150,000.00)
Php 125.00
8. Passbook Replacement
a. Personal
Php 300.00
b. Commercial
Php 500.00
9. Bank Certification Php 200.00
10. Statement of Account

(Requested by client)
Php 100.00 for the first five (5) pages and **PHP10.00 for every succeeding page
11. Withdrawal of FCDU prior to

Lapse of Hold-Out Period
0.0025 x Amount
12. Domestic BP Charges
a. Local Checks
Amount x 18% x 2/360 or PHP 150.00 whichever is higher
b. Local MCs
Amount x 18% x 2/360 or PHP 100.00 whichever is higher
13. Foreign BP Charges 0.25%
B. SSA/Time Deposits
1. Pre-Termination
a. If run date is less than 50% of the agreed term
(Principal x Interest Rate x Term / No. of Run Days) * 25%

b. If run date is equal to or more than

50% of the agreed term
(Principal x Interest Rate x Term / No. of Run Days) * 25%
2. Documentary Stamp Tax
a. If run period is less than 1 year (365 days)
Placed Amount/200 x Term/365 days x Php 1.50
b. if run period is equal to or more than 1 year (365 days)
Placed Amount/200 x Php 1.50
C. Others - Branch
1. Manager's Check Php 75.00
2. Demand Draft $5.00
3. Telegraphic Transfer
a. USD
i. Bene
ii. Our
b. Third Currencies
i. Bene
ii. Our
4. Early Closure Charge (90 Days from date opened)
a. Outgoing
Php 300.00
b. Incoming
Php 150.00
5. PDDTS $15.00
6. Safety Deposit Box
a. SDB Rental Fee (no pro-rating)
i. 5 x 5 x 24
Php 1,500.00
ii. 3 x 10 x 24
Php 2,000.00
iii. 5 x 10 x 24
Php 2,500.00
iv. 10 x 10 x 24
Php 3,000.00
b. Deposit for Keys
Php 1,000.00
c. ADB required to Quality for SDB Rental
Php 500,000.00
d. SDB Force Open Charge
Equivalent to twice the fee charged by the service provider to the Bank
7. Check Voucher Encashment Php 75.00
8. Day and Night Deposit
a. Bag Rent
Php 2,000.00
b. Guarantee Deposit per Bag Use
Php 2,000.00
c. Required ADB
Php 300,000.00
9. Deposit Pick-up (DPI) Free (if required ADB is not met)

(Refer to Annex B for the Required ADB on free DPU service)
Php 1,000.00 per pick-up
10. Bills Payment
a. Required ADB
Php 500,000.00
b. Fees
Php 10.00 per txn in excess of 100 txn per day
c. One-time Programming fee
Php 30,000.00
D. Loans
1. Housing Loan
a. Appraisal Fee
i. Within Metro Manila
Php 3,500.00 or actual cost, whichever is higher **Php 500.00 for each additional title
ii. Outside Metro Manila
Php 4,500.00 or actual cost, whichever is higher **Php 500.00 for each additional title
b. Processing Fee
i. Non-JG
Php 3,500.00
ii. JG
Php 2,000.00
c. Inspection Fee per Visit
i. Within Metro Manila
Php 1,000.00
ii. Outside Metro Manila
Php 1,500.00
d. Computer Fee (For REM)
Php 2,400.00
e. Notarial Fee
Php 250.00 per document
f. Late Payment Charge
3% per month on unpaid amortizationt
g. Pre-payment Fee
1.5% of the principal amoun prepaid
h. Handling fee for Pre-termination
1.5% of the principal amoun prepaid
2. Personal Loan Program
a. Processing Fee
i. JG
Php 250.00
ii. Non-JG Accredited
Php 500.00
iii. Direct
1) Load Amount of P10,000 to P20,000
Php 1,000.00
2) Loan Amount over P20,000
Php 2,000.00
iv. Seafarer's Loans
1% of loan amount
v. Seasoned Depositors
1% of loan amount or P500, whichever is higher
vi. PLP Appliance Loan Program
Php 250.00
b. Late Payment Charges
5% per month on unpaid amortization
*For staff loan:
i. Rbank and JG employees
5% per month on unpaid amortization
ii. non-JG/Direct/Calamity Loan
5% per month on unpaid amortization
iii. Non-JG (Semi-monthly amortization)
3% per month on unpaid amortization
c. Pre-Payment Fee
1.5% of the principal amount prepaid
d. Handling fee for Pre-termination
1.5% of the principal amount prepaid
3. Auto Loan
a. Registration to Registry of Deeds (RD)
*Depends on the applicable fees set by the concerned RD
b. Notarial Fee
Minimum of Php 250.00 per document
c. Processing Fee
Note: Except for 3-party dealer generated transactions and
2-party dealer generated transactions whose CHM
registration is handled by the dealer.
Php 5,000.00
d. Service Fee
Note: Except for 3-party dealer generated transactions and
2-party dealer generated transactions whose CHM
registration is handled by the dealer.
Minimum of Php 3,000.00 or actual cost, whichever is higher
e. Fees for second-hand vehicles
i. Car History Fee
Php 1,500.00 or actual cost, whichever is higher
ii. Appraisal Fee
1) Within Metro Manila
Php 1,500.00
2) Outside Metro Manila
Php 2,500.00
iii. Handling Fee
Php 2,500.00
f. Late Payment Charges
5% per month on unpaid amortization
g. Pre-payment Fee
1.5% of the pricipal amount prepaid
h. Handling fee for pre-termination
1.5% of the pricipal amount prepaid
i. Cacellation Fee for pre-termination
Php 500.00
j. Notarial Fee for loan pay-off
Php 250.00
4. Small Business Loan
a. Appraisal Fee
i. Within Metro Manila
Php 3,500.00

Php 500.00 for each additional title

ii. Outside Metro Manila
Minimum of Php 4,000.00 OR actual cost whichever is higher

Php 500.00 for each additional title

b. Processing Fee
i. Term Loan
Php 5,000.00
ii. Credit Line
Php 5,000.00
c. Late Payment Charge
3% per month on unpaid amortization
d. Pre-payment Fee
1.5% of the principal amount prepaid
e. Handling fee for Pre-termination
1.5% of the principal amount prepaid
5. mSME
a. Processing Fee
1.5% of loan amount
b. Notarial Fee
Php 250.00 per document
c. Documentary Stamps Tax for Deed of Assignment
(Hold-out amount / 5000) x 20 + 20
d. Late Payment Charge
3% per month on unpaid amortization
e. Pre-termination Fee
3% of outstanding balance
f. Notarial Fee for loan pay-off
Php 250,00
6. Cash Secured Loan - Late Payment charge 3% per month on unpaid amortization
7. Motorcycle Loan
a. Miscellaneous Fees
i. Luzon
Php 1,600.00
ii. Provincial
Php 3,500.00
iii. Tricycle Models for NCR branches except Las Pinas
Php 2,900.00
b. Penalty Fee
1% per Month
c. Pre-payment Fee
1.5% of the principal amount prepaid
d. Handling fee for Pre-termination
1.5% of the principal amount prepaid
8. Commercial Loans
Appraisal Fee
i. Within Metro Manila
Php 3,500.00

**Php 500.00 for each additional title

ii. Outside Metro Manila
Minimum of Php4,000.00 OR actual cost whichever is higher

**Php 500.00 for each additional title

9. Others
a. Pull-out of PDCs for loan payment due to insufficient funds
Php 1,000 per PDC
b. Notarial Fee
Php 250.00 per document
c. Documentary Stamp Tax on PN (For all loan products except Personal Loan Accounts (for personal use only and not for business or re-sale) with loan amount not exceeding Php 250,000.00 which shall not be charged any DST.)
i. For Loan Term below 365 days
Loan amount / 200 (Rounded up to the nearest peso) x No. of days / 365 x 1.50
ii. For Loan term of 1 year and above
Loan amount / 200 (Rounded up to the nearest peso) x 1.50

d. Documentary Stamp Tax for REM


Note: For PN with REM, DST to be applied shall be


which ever computation is higher (c or d)

Loan amount / 5,000

(Rounded up to the nearest peso) x 20 + 20

e. Document Stamp Tax for Chattel Mortgage


Note: For Pn with REM, DST to be applied shall be

whichever computation is higher (c or e)


Loan amount / 5,000

(Rounded up to the nearest peso) x 20 + 20

f. Reissuance of Cancellation of Mortgage
Php 500.00
g. Preparation of Cancellation of REM/CHM
Php 500.00
E. Treasury
Bank Certification Php 200.00
F. Interbank Fund Transfer(Direct2Bank)
1. PesoNet via Over-the-Counter Branch Transaction Php 100.00
2. PesoNet via Online Banking Php 20.00
3. InstaPay via Online Banking Php 25.00

Note: For unsuccessful transfers, applicable fees will be refunded.

G. Credit Cards
1. Annual Membership Fees
a. Principal
i. Classic Uno
Php 100.00 per month
ii. Platinum Uno / Platinum Dos
Php 3,000.00
b. Supplementary
i. Classic Uno
Php 50.00 per month
ii. Platinum Uno / Platinum Dos
Php 1,500.00
2. Revolving Interest/Finance Charge 3.5%
3. Late Payment Fee Php 600.00
4. Foreign Currency Mark-up 2%
5. Card Upgrade/Downgrade Php 1,500.00
6. Card Replacement Fee Php 500.00
7. Payment Refund Fee Php 500.00
8. Account Maintenance Php 50.00
9. Over Limit Fee Php 500.00
10. Multiple Payment Processing Fee Php 40.00
11. Returned Check Fee Php 1,000.00
12. Charge Slip Retrieval Fee Php 500.00
13. Certification Fee Php 100.00
14. Reprinting of Statement Fee Php 500.00
15. Installment Termination Service Fee 5% of Remaining Principal or Php 1,500.00, whichever is higher